‘Raise Your Vibration’ Energy Healing
Hi, I am so honored that your path of healing and expansion lead you here.
You are here on purpose - it is always divine timing: there are no accidents, only synchronicities.
Your spirit knows you’re in the right place, but let’s reassure that beautiful mind of yours that we’re the right fit for each other.
Know that you’ve come home if any of these speak to your heart:
You feel like you are holding it all together with a forced smile on the outside, but you are breaking down on the inside and tired of pretending you’re OK when you’re not
You are in survival mode, just getting by and going through the motions - like life just keeps happening to you
You have experienced loss or grief in your life that you haven’t fully dealt with and you sense it’s time to really heal
You keep going and going because you are afraid to stop, but you are at your breaking point and feel like the world around you is falling apart
You are wondering if you are broken beyond repair and questioning, “what is wrong with me??”
You are self-medicating through alcohol, prescription drugs, busy-ness, or shopping (or any other self-soothing distraction)
Your old coping mechanisms don’t seem to be working anymore - your “stuff” is coming up and you are feeling really emotional, triggered, and sensitive
You’ve done ‘talk therapy’ and are ready to accelerate the process by removing subconscious blocks that are still holding you back
You are intimately familiar with the cycles of depression and/or anxiety, and you are ready to break that pattern once and for all by getting to the core of it (and healing it)
You know deep down that true joy will come from walking through your pain and not ignoring it
You also…
Want clarity on what that could look like and a guiding hand to help you see your next inspired action (and someone who has been there to hold a safe space for you as you move through it)
Are seeking greater purpose, deeper connections, and true meaning in your life - even if you are struggling to see how to get there
Have heard of the Law of Attraction and ‘manifestation’, but you are in such a hole you can’t seem to be at the vibration you want to be at even when you try
Have a sense that to fully access the light, you must walk through the darkness, but you don’t want to do it alone (or know where to begin)
But first, here is what I want you to know:
The breakdown always precedes the breakthrough.
I am here to guide you through it.
You may think you are going through a black hole of despair, but in fact it’s your spiritual awakening.
You aren’t broken and nothing is wrong with you. You do not need to be fixed.
In fact, you are a spark of the divine - whole, perfect, and complete - and you have the ability (and the right) to connect to your innate power and be the creator in your life
Your emotions are actually working for you, even though they may not feel like it. They are the sacred wake-up call that tells me that you are ready to heal once and for all
Once we clear out the noise and mindless chatter, you will be able to actually hear your heart and intuition
Just as you suspect, there is more to life than this. And I will help you find your Truth.
There’s hope. I promise.
You will feel better.
How do I know?
I’ve been through everything I listed above, and I am living proof that we all have the ability to heal ourselves.
I’ve learned that it’s impossible to do it alone, but that each of us have loving angels, allies, and spirit guides leading us to the support we need when we are ready to finally get out of the old patterns keeping us trapped.
And that the right helpers, teachers, and healers always show up right on time.
I now live in my true potential, and it all started by coming home to myself, as I asked for help and created the time and space to heal those old wounds.
When I did, I connected to the unconditional love of my higher self and got the sweet relief of knowing that the universe has my back.
I now live deeply inspired - guided by my intuition, heart, and purpose: present, awestruck, and alive.
And I want the same for you.
What to expect in your session
In this 60-minute remote healing session, we will go on a soul-level journey that brings you from ‘cloudy’ to ‘clear’, as I clean out the energetic muck that’s blocking your innate light
Through this process of seeing and releasing your emotional pain, you will begin to open to the infinite potential and possibilities your life holds for the wonder, connection, richness, and sparkle you seek.
You will finish each session vibrating at a higher frequency that leaves you bright and peaceful, attracting blessings and love into your life.
Each session is guided by Spirit based on your energetic needs and follows this foundational transformational framework to support your shift:
Grounding - we begin by using processes that center you so you can feel present and safe in the world
Clearing - then we use a combination of shamanic tools to clear out old and blocked energies that are keeping you stuck in a cycle of suffering so you can be free to feel joy
Support - By accessing your Akashic Records, we will call in your divine support system, including your allies, guides, angels, ascended masters, and any messages they may have for you
Getting Your Power Back - using guided meditation, drum journey, or inner child work we will get to the root of your wounding and rewrite your story
Calling in Light & Protection - reiki work will allow us to relax your nervous system, reset your energy field and leave you feeling balanced and restored - in touch with your intuition and ready to take your next inspired step
Guidance - I will provide you with at-home strategies that allow you to continue the healing process at home for maximum impact and transformation
Just do it! What you may experience from your healing session
Deep release - a sigh of relief and a reinvigorated sense of life flowing through you
Feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders
Feeling like yourself again; with each clearing, the connection to your true self gets stronger
A strengthened connection to your higher intelligence and inner guidance
A clearing of any emotions or energies that are not yours (most of them aren’t)
The creation of strong energetic boundaries
Relaxation, surrender, and trust
Attracting higher vibe experiences and people into your life, as we clear your energy field of anything toxic
Downloads, aha’s, and breakthroughs that help you work through and make sense of your big feelings, freeing you from their heaviness for good
The Logistics
Click the ‘Book Now’ button below to set up your appointment.
Your healing starts the moment you book the session, as that opens the energetic container for our work together.
All Sessions are $125 (LAUNCH SPECIAL $88)
All healings are done remotely via phone. Energy is holographic, so I am able to work on your energy body at a distance just as effectively as if we were in-person.
I will call you at the time of the appointment.
Once your session is confirmed, I will send you a link to my New Client Form that must be returned to me prior to our work together (it will take you about 15 minutes to complete). It will include all the necessary details of our session
Any more questions, just let me know
What People Are Saying
“Jorie is an amazing healer with incredible gifts. I feel so clear on the direction I’m choosing to take. I felt relief and such a sense of okayness Jorie related through my Akashic records, and it’s brought me to a new level of commitment to the path I’m on. I felt the energy work she did clear my entire body, and when she started singing, I felt all the clearing energy amplify! It was like her voice ignited another level of healing.
— Bre W, Colorado
“I had been coming out of having a major energy leak and feeling pretty stuck. After the session I have so much more energy and enthusiasm for what I want to do next. Before I knew what I needed to do, but I was lacking the excitement that has surrounded me throughout the rest of my journey. You brought that back. Thank you.”
— Dmitria B, Oregon
“I had been feeling unsettled with a lot of fear, but during our time together that all slipped away, I felt at peace and am so grateful for the awareness you gave me.”