The Birth of Healing Artistry

I want to share my personal emotional healing story with you and how it inspired me to birth ‘Healing Artistry’.

When I was 23, my mom died. I was all alone. I had already lost my dad to cancer at the age of 8, so this was a BIG blow that forced me to grow up way too fast.

The grief and devastation were surreal. This was the time in my life when things were supposed to be just beginning. And my world felt like it had just ended.

I was in MAJOR denial. I just wanted to be a normal twenty-something, like my friends, worried about what I was going to wear on Friday night instead of how to keep it all together for my little sister as I helped to support and take care of her. I pretended I was fine so she had some stability in her world, but the truth was I wasn’t. Not even close.

I was miserable, scared, and spiraling into an abyss of alcohol and avoidance. 

On a whim, which I now know as divine guidance, I decided to follow a childhood dream of becoming a fashion designer.

But after one semester, I quickly learned sewing wasn’t for me. I wanted nothing to do with making clothes, and fashion design was not in fact my dream. I wasn’t even that fashionable! 

But through this I discovered a new love for art, especially writing, drawing, and graphic design. Even though I had just graduated with a business degree (per my mom’s insistence) a few years prior, and was accumulating loads of student debt, these art classes were lighting me up in my darkest times.

They were literally giving me life, something to look forward to, a way to express what was going on inside me that I couldn’t express any other way. I uncovered some hidden talents that I had never truly explored before, and it was fun to create! Even in the most bleak and heart-wrenching days of my life, I found joy.

I wish I could say this experience launched my career as a world renowned graphic designer, but this isn’t true. I actually ended up going down a whole different career path in Advertising and Marketing, which ultimately caused me such extreme stress that I had no choice but to really heal through energy work.

This led me to uncover my own abilities as an healer.

I now combine creativity with the healing arts to help others move out of the dark and into the light, too.

Which resulted in the birth of Healing Artistry.

In fact, after I do an energy healing session with a client, I often recommend various art methods as a means of integrating the energy they have moved and expressing what they haven’t been able to name.

Art is especially powerful for processing the really tough stuff, allowing my clients to safely face their shadows and transform.

I personally still use art all the time when I’m feeling stuck or blocked.

And I would love for you to try it, too, to move through whatever is weighing you down.

Healing Artistry Practice #1:

Write your own life story. 

In the first version, write yourself as the innocent victim. Let yourself feel your grief, your anger, your sadness at what has happened to you. Facing and naming our trauma is the first step in healing it.

Then, in the second version, use the same circumstances, but write yourself as the victorious hero.

You’ll be able to see how much you’ve walked through and transcended, and how brave, powerful, inspiring, and courageous you are!

Then I encourage you to share your writing with another person you trust. I would love to be that person for you, and I invite you to write me back with your stories. Sharing our deepest pain and shadows with others in a safe space always takes the power out of them. You don’t have to hold this alone - I’m here for you.

I’ll be back to you in a few days with another healing artistry practice that will allow you to shift your energy even more as you spread those beautiful wings, butterfly.

To Your Metamorphosis,



Ode to my Covid Sweatpants