Ode to my Covid Sweatpants

Last night as I watched my beloved Covid sweatpants in a pile on the floor, I lost it. Literally, a wave of sadness came over me so fast and out of nowhere, well kind of... not really nowhere...

I just stared at them, somewhat in disbelief of what constant companions we’d become this past year, and how much love and gratitude I had for these pants. How much comfort and support they have given me. For all the news briefings, movies, board games, work days we’ve been through. Their grace and flexibility as I grew both physically and emotionally. And always there, without judgement.

But it wasn’t just that, as I sat there crying in gratitude over my pants, it hit me how much grief I’ve really been holding in. I really thought I’d been taking care of myself and my emotions this year, but the truth is I’ve been trying so hard to hold it together for everyone around me, for myself, and that old pattern of putting up a protection wall, not really dealing with the present is staring right back at me. So here we go, I’ve got some work to unpack here, but so grateful for the tools I now have to help me sort through. And for now, I’ve turned to healing Artistry and made an ode to my sweatpants

Healing Artistry Practice

Here’s a Healing Artistry practice focused around gratitude as we are upon the year anniversary of quarantine. Being in a space of gratitude can help us have more compassion for ourselves as we sort through even stronger and tougher emotions....

  • pick an item in your life that has been at your side this past year (sweats, a favorite mug, a throw blanket, etc)

  • write out all the things you are grateful to this item for

  • as you reflect on the year, list out how it has helped support you, and where you could still use more support

  • Feel into those spaces of your heart that are still holding grief and offer yourself as much gratitude and compassion as you can

  • try shifting that same feeling of gratitude you have for your support item to yourself

If you really are inspired, take it one step further and make a collage out of your journal entry.

Let me know how it goes!! Sending you much love

Love, Jorie


Manifesting Magic Through Intense Anxiety


The Birth of Healing Artistry