Manifesting Magic Through Intense Anxiety


I have a little story I wanted to share about a recent experience that completely changed how I view anxiety, and hope that it can inspire you to move through things differently too, knowing someone else has been through it!

I had the most amazing time on a recent trip to the Smoky Mountains with my family AND had a debilitating panic attack on the first day. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. And if I didn’t live through it myself, I would not believe it was possible to experience magic and joy while coming out of true panic. There was so much pain and beauty in this experience. Tears, healing, faith, asking for help, surrender, energy work, medication, trust, mindset shift, belief and asking for magic, manifestation, deep love, gratitude, shame, and honest conversations. I experienced it all in the course of 4 short days.

Travelling is a major anxiety trigger for me. It wasn’t always this way, but ever since I removed all of the things numbing my existence, mainly alcohol, and prescription drugs, all of the anxiety hiding under the surface really likes to make itself known anytime I am travelling and outside of my comfort zone.

When this first started happening, it would ruin the entire trip. I couldn’t sleep or eat, and was pretty much in fight or flight mode until I landed safely back at home. I was not fun to be around AT ALL. My poor family had no idea what was going on, because I was also ashamed of sharing my experience and just had to survive until I could deal with what was going on. 

So this time when panic set in during the middle of the night on our first day out, I decided I had to ask for help and do things differently. I had no choice but to surrender if I truly wanted to get through this alive AND experience joy, which I did. 

Why were things different this time:

  1. I asked for help

  2. I was open with my family about my experience

  3. I received Energy work to help support my nervous system right afterwards and for a few days following

  4. Took very low (but perfectly sized for me) doses of Xanax without guilt and without it numbing my life force (I am VERY sensitive to meds and typically avoid them at all costs because I have found for me they do more harm than good. I recommend to everyone to find what is true for them, and to always have trusted support systems in place to help you navigate.)

  5. Kept up with my meditation practice and really used my breath to help calm me throughout the days- always coming back to my breath anytime things felt out of control

  6. I shifted my mindset and told the universe that I expected 3 days of magic (vs. the 3 days of fear and dread I was originally expecting to experience. And when I did, everything changed, honestly.

All of these tools helped get me through, but shifting my mindset and asking what magic would unfold everyday was the critical icing on the cake. I took everything slow, lots of deep breaths. I focused on and enjoyed being surrounded by the love of my family. Being held in their deep love made it possible to heal and shift on the spot! Each day new magical adventures unfolded, we connected with each other and with nature. Trusting the flow of the divine and the natural rhythm of the Universe is not easy to do when you are scared, but I can tell you it is possible.

I know anxiety is REALLY intense and different for everyone. But my hope for you is that you can find the right set of tools to help you navigate, so that magic and joy can coexist as you heal through your fears.

Even if you don't experience anxiety, I think there is a great lesson here regardless. No matter what you're struggling with, you have the power to shift it and find the right support system to help you through. Be in the driver seat of your experience, vs. letting it take you for a ride.

I guess I always kind of thought one day I would be healed and things like this would never again happen, but what I am learning, is that there is so much gray area, and that we can experience beauty and love even in the throws of our deepest fears. 

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, reach out. Ask for help. I am here for you! Energy work can really help us restore balance to our systems when they are over-firing and surviving. You don’t have to do this alone! 

Need a reset and restore right now?? Book a session! Peace is waiting for you on the other side.

Sending you so much love!!

Xoxo, Jorie


Moving Energy Through Song


Ode to my Covid Sweatpants